Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Homeopathic Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Acupuncture Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Psychotherapy Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Surgical Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Other Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
What is Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Causes of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Risk factors of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Complications of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Lab Investigations and Diagnosis of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Precautions & Prevention of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Homeopathic Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Homeopathy heals PCOD and promotes natural conception and pregnancy. Homeopathic treatment helps in correcting the pathology associated with PCOD. It helps to correct hormonal imbalances, resolve cyst and prevent bleeding. Following are some homeopathic remedies for ovarian cyst.
- Thuja
- Apis
- Bovista
- Lachesis
- Calcarea Carb
- Conium
- Kali brom
Acupuncture and Acupressure Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Acupuncture helps to bring balance to the endocrine system and hormones and can directly affect ovulation. There are many acupuncture techniques to help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs and optimize ovulation. Acupuncture relieves by improving the physiological function of the organs and organ system. In acupuncture therapist will first diagnose the case on the basis of energy system or chi blockage as well as on the basis of status of five elements. On this basis certain disease specific acupoints are selected and stimulated.
Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
In Psychotherapy treatment, individual and support groups seek to help women uncover and confront emotional issues related with ovarian cyst. Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy can help in stress relief. They can help in better coping and early relief. Psychological techniques that can actually help to reduce complaints are Individual and group counseling, Biofeedback, Relaxation techniques, Self-hypnosis, Visual imaging and Learning or conditioning techniques. Hypnotherapy is safe and quick treatment of deep seated psychological issues and barriers.
Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
In conventional or allopathic treatment, certain birth control pills are used. These Birth control pills mask the symptoms by helping to reduce the size of the cysts. Also, oral contraceptives are used prominently to treat ovarian cysts.
Surgical Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
A surgeon can closely look at an ovarian growth through a small incision using laparoscopy or through a larger abdominal incision (laparotomy). During surgery, a non cancerous cyst that is causing symptoms can be removed (cystectomy), leaving the ovary intact. In some cases, the entire ovary or both ovaries are removed, particularly when cancer is found.
Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Eat dark green leafy vegetables
- Eat diet includes whole grains, beans and lean protein
- Eat a low-fat diet
Other Treatment of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Hormonal Therapy
- Yoga and exercise
What is Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that develop in a woman’s ovaries. Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. The vast majority of ovarian cysts are considered functional.
Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Obesity
- Increase in body or facial hair
- Frequent urination
- Severe abdominal pain
- Complaints of menstruation
- Inability to get pregnant
Causes of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Raised level of insulin
- Genetics
- Overweight
- High level of Luteinising hormone
Risk factors of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Inactive lifestyle
- Family members with PCOS
- Age at onset: 15-30 years old
- Type 2 diabetes
- Obesity
Complications of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Hamper the fertility of women
- Abdominal discomfort
- Peritonitis
- Hemorrhagic
- Sepsis
Diagnosis of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
Diagnosis includes medical history and physical exam and a pelvic exam and also includes blood test.
- Blood tests
- Androgen–free testosterone, or total testosterone, DHEAS
- Prolactin and thyroid function tests are often done
- Fasting blood sugar level and fasting insulin are recommended
- Fasting lipid profile is recommended
Precautions & Prevention of Ovarian Cyst PCOD PCOS
- Avoid or limit non vegetarian food
- Eating a few small meals rather than three big ones.
- Maintain healthy weight.
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