It is a holistic psychotherapy which aims to rectify psycho – emotional complaints, treat mental sickness and strengthen positive mental health for mental calmness and efficient mental functioning. It has following components.
- Free Consciousness of Self, Environment and Life Facts.
- Life Skills Training.
- Positive Living.
Life management therapy has short and long term strategies for both acute and chronic complaints. It removes distress & negativity and promotes mental control & effective mental function. The highlight of life management therapy is the fact that it does not stop at treating mental sickness but continue to promote positive mental health. It covers all / some of the following aspects of life:
- Life Management
- Positive Health
- Sickness Management
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Grief & Crisis Management
- Anger Management
- Memory & Mind Power
- Relationship Management
- Harmony & Happiness in Family
- Role & Dignity of Senior Citizens
- Marriage – Its success & relevance
- Self / Personality Development
- Healthy Sexuality
- Bliss of Being – The Science of Spirituality
Childhood and Adolescence Issues
- Generation Gap
- Jealousy
- Adolescence Crisis
- Study Skills
- Delinquency (Anti Social Behavior)
Health Issues
- Sleep / Appetite Disorders
- Addictions, Alcohol / Substance abuse
- Pain Management
- Psychosomatic / Psychosexual Complaints
Mental Health Issues
- Anxiety, Phobia, OCD & Depression
- Emotional Quotient
- Rational thinking
- Poor Concentration / ADHD
- Decision Making & Problem Solving
- Confidence, Will Power & Self-esteem
- Communication Skills
- Schizophrenia and other Psychiatric Diseases
It is a unique Mind Development Program for children & adults created by Dr S K Sharma after years of research on the functioning and development of mind.
- It helps in development of mind & brain.
- It improves functioning of mind like intelligence, concentration, memory, study & learning skills, creativity etc.
- It improves efficiency of mind and helps in multitasking.
- It improves self control & gives emotional stability. It prevents and helps in psycho-emotional complaints.
- It removes mental conflicts and complexes.
- It creates organized, calm, efficient, sharp and powerful mind.
- It helps in achieving confidence, success and in realizing best of self potential.
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