Glossary of sex
Treatment Glossary sex – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
• Abortion – The termination of a pregnancy before it has reached viability.
• Adolescence -The period of life between childhood and adulthood, usually age 11–16.
• Anorgasmia -The inability to have an orgasm.
• Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS – A deadly sexually transmitted disease, no cure yet but there are good medicines to control.
• Basal body temperature method of family planning -Natural method of birth control that uses the woman’s daily body temperature to determine when a woman is ovulating.
• Bi-curious -State of sexual interest in both sexes in order to determine one’s sexual orientation.
• Bisexuality -Sexually attracted to members of both sexes.
• Calendar method or rhythm method -Natural method of birth control that in which abstinenceis observed during the time of month when the woman is likely to become pregnant.
• Candidiasis or yeast infection -Fungal infection that is sometimes affects genitals through sexual contact.
• Cervical cap -Barrier method of birth control in which a small cap is used to fit over the cervix and block sperm.
• Cervical mucus method – Natural method of birth control that checks the consistency of the woman’s cervical mucus to see when a woman is ovulating and is more likely to conceive.
• Cervix -The entrance to the uterus in a female’s anatomy.
• Chlamydia -A common sexually transmitted disease.
• Circumcision -The surgical removal of the penis foreskin.
• Climacteric –Phase of menopause with characteristic changes.
• Clitoris –The sensitive part of the female genitalia found within the vulva. It is said to be the organ of pleasure in women.
• Condom – Barrier method of birth control worn by men over the penis. Also a good method of protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
• Contraception -The intent, efforts and methods to avoid unintended pregnancy.
• Cunnilingus –Oral sex done on vagina.
• Depo-Provera:Hormonal method of birth control.
• Detumescence–Fading arousal after ejaculation in males, penis returns to flaccid state.
• Diaphragm -Barrier method of birth control in which a domeshaped cup blocks the rear part of the vaginafrom sperm.
• Dildo -A penisshaped object that is inserted into vagina to simulate the sexual feeling.
• Ejaculation –Emission of sperm from penis as a result of orgasm.
• Erectile dysfunction or ED –A condition when a man is unable to have an erection.
• Erection -A penis that is stiff and hard in a state of arousal.
• Estrogen -A female hormone.
• Fellatio –Oral sex done on penis.
• Female superior position – Sexual position with woman on top.
• Foreskin -A sheath of skin that surrounds the glans and opens at the top. This is surgically removed in the process called circumcision.
• Frottage -The homosexual activity of two men rubbing their bodies against each other until they reach climax.
• Genital warts by human papillomavirus HPV – A typeof sexually transmitted disease.
• Glans -The head of penis.
• Gonorrhea –A type of sexually transmitted disease.
• Group masturbation also called circle jerk -Mutual masturbation in a group.
• Hepatitis B – A type of sexually transmitted disease.
• Herpes – A type of sexually transmitted disease.
• Heterosexuality –Sexual attraction only to members of opposite sex.
• Homosexuality -Sexual attraction only to members of same sex as own.Men and women are respectively gay and lesbian.
• Hormone replacement therapy- Medical treatment by hormones for menopause and post it.
• Human immunodeficiency virus HIV – Sexually transmitted virus that causesautoimmune deficiency syndrome AIDS.
• Hysterectomy – The surgical removal of the uterus.
• Impotency –Inability in man to get an erection when wanted.
• Intrauterine deviceIUD:Method of birth control in which a small device is implanted into the uterus with use of hormones or copper to prevent pregnancy.
• Laparoscopic sterilization –Type of female sterilization in which a small instrument inserted through a small incision.
• Libido -The desire to have sex.
• Masturbation -Sexually pleasuring oneself usually ending in orgasm.
• Meatus – Theexternal opening of the glans.
• Menarche -First menstrual period.
• Menopause -The end of menstruation with resultant changes.
• Menstruation or menstrual cycle -The monthly process of releasing eggs and bleeding in case of non conception.
• Missionary position – Male on top position of sex.
• Molluscum contagiosum – A type ofsexually transmitted disease
• Mons pubis andMons Veneris -A portion above the female’s pubic bone and is said to be sensitive to sexual stimulus.
• Mutual masturbation –Pleasuring each other by masturbating the partner.
• Natural family planning method –Using natural method like abstinence to prevent pregnancy.
• Nocturnal penile tumescence -Erection during sleep.
• Orgasm –The climax of sexual excitement experienced as intense pleasure and with ejaculation in males and similar feeling in females.
• Ovulation -Process in which ovaries release egg.
• Pedophile -A person who wants to have sex with children.
• Pelvic inflammatory diseasePID:An infection that has spread into the deeper organs of reproductive system.
• Perineum -The area between the genital organ and the anus.
• Peyronie’s disease -Condition in which the erect penis curves to one side to the extent that sex becomes impossible.
• Premonitory sensation -The feeling or point of no return before ejaculation in men.
• Priapism –Long lasting painful erection.
• Progesterone -A female hormone essential for pregnancy.
• Prostate gland – The prostate gland is located at the lower end of man’s bladder and it produces fluids that makepart of semen.
• Psychogenic erection -An erection caused by non specific stimulus that triggers the brain to release hormones resulting in erection.
• Pubococcygeus muscles – Muscles in the genital area in both male and female that causes the most contractions during orgasm.
• Retarded ejaculation –Condition in which ejaculation is delayed or difficult.
• Retrograde ejaculation -Condition in which during ejaculation the semen flows backwards into the bladder.
• Scrotum -The sac at the base of the penis that holds the testis.
• Sexual orientation -The state that tells what gender a person is attracted to. Like homosexuals are attracted to same gender as own.
• Sexually transmitted diseaseSTD -A disease or infection that is transmitted by sexual intercourse.
• Smegma –A substance that forms under the foreskin from excretions and dead skin cells.
• Spermicide -Chemical used as contraceptive to kill sperm.
• Sterilization -Permanent birth control method by surgery, in males it is vasectomy and tubal sterilization in females.
• Syphilis -A type of STD that gives chancres and if untreated leads to serious complications.
• Testicles or testes -Part of the male genitals present in scrotal sacs.
• Tribadism -Two women rubbing their genitals together while one is lying on top of the other.
• Trichomoniasis –A type of sexually transmitted disease.
• Tubectomy or tubal ligation – Permanent method of birth control in female by surgery.
• Uterus – Female organ where a fertilized egg implants and develops into fetus.
• Vagina – Part of the female genitals, sort of muscular tube that extends from the external opening vulva to the cervix.
• Vaginismus -A condition in which a woman’s vaginal muscles involuntarily contracts tight that makes penetration by the man’s penis is painful or even impossible.
• Vaginitis – Infection of vagina.
• Vasectomy- Permanent method of birth control in male by surgery.
• Vibrator –Sex toy or device that gives intercourse like clitoral stimulation for a woman.
• Vulva – The visible part of the female genitals.