Emotional Insecurity
Emotional Insecurity – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Emotional insecurity is the most important factor of any one’s life today. Emotional stability tells about level of emotional stability. Lack of security leads to a sense of vulnerability which can be reflected as:
- State of uneasiness or nervousness
- Feeling of being emotionally threatened or attacked
- Aggressiveness to counter perceived attack
- Suspicion of wrong done by others
- State of persistent sadness or anxiety
- Withdrawal from society
According to Maslow an insecure person is a person who:
- Perceives the world as a threatening jungle and most human beings as dangerous and selfish
- Feels rejected and becomes isolated person, anxious and hostile
- Is generally pessimistic and unhappy
- Shows signs of tension and conflict
- Tends to turn inward
- Is troubled by guilt-feelings
- Has one on another disturbance of self-esteem
- Longs for support, safety and security
- Lacks confidence
- Lacks trust in themselves or others
- Has fears that a present positive state is temporary
So why do some people feel so insecure. According to research it can be due to brain chemistry. So people are prone to be. Small incidents can affect them badly. Another reason can be early childhood incidents which can damage development of a safer self concept. Parents and sibling’s attitude, atmosphere in school, abuses like sexual abuse all can create emotional insecurity. Emotional insecurity can also be realistic when real life situations are threatening although perception may differ person to person. And since emotional people become prone to further emotional trauma and get hypersensitive about emotional states, the condition aggravates itself.
The first thing is to realize and accept the state of emotional insecurity. There are various treatment which can be used with good success rate.
- Self help groups
- Counseling and Psychotherapy
- Life skill development
- Life management
- Hypnotherapy
- Constitutional Homeopathy