Complications of addictions
Complications of addictions – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Addictions can create a number of life-changing complications. They can include:
- Health consequences – addiction can lead to a range of both short- and long-term mental and physical health problems. In the case of drug/alcohol addiction there may be mental/emotional as well as physical health problems. In the case of nicotine addiction the problems tend to be just with physical health.
- Mental disorders – Long-term abuse of stimulants changes the way the brain functions, and may lead to severe mental disorders and memory loss.
- Accidental injuries/death– people with a drug/alcohol addiction have a higher risk of falling over, or driving dangerously when under the influence.
- Suicide –People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol commit suicide more often than do people who aren’t.
- Problems at school –Academic performance and motivation to excel in school may suffer.
- Financial problems –Spending money to support your habit takes away money from your other needs, could put you into debt, and could lead you into illegal or unethical behaviors.
- Relationship problems– social, family and marital relationships can be severely strained, leading to family breakups, etc.
- Child neglect/abuse– the percentage of neglected or abused children who have one or both parents with an addiction problem is higher compared to those whose parents are healthy. These figures apply to some drugs and alcohol, not to just nicotine dependence.
- Getting a communicable disease –People who are addicted to a drug or alcohol are more likely to get an infectious disease, such as HIV, either through unsafe sex or by sharing needles.