Acupuncture for In Vitro Fertilization
Acupuncture for In Vitro Fertilization – ETHOS HEALTH CARE.
Acupuncture and IVF work hand in hand to help you get pregnant. If you are dealing with in vitro fertilisation, acupuncture may help you to bring about the natural balance state within your body and to conceive a child with the help of medical science. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, humans have energy flowing along lines called meridians that run through the body. When the meridians are blocked, the flow of energy will be disrupted. This condition can cause many health problems, and one of them is infertility. To improve the flow of this energy, acupuncturists use needles inserted under your skin. The use of needles will make the body function differently.
Benefits of acupuncture in IVF
- Fertility rates during embryo transfer can be doubled with the use of acupuncture
- Acupuncture therapy increase the blood circulation to the ovaries and uterus and hence increase the capacity for conception.
- Acupuncture helps the body to relax and allows the seamless acceptance of an incoming embryo
- Acupuncture can regulate menstruation and balance hormone levels.
- Acupuncture can alleviate the stress of going through an IVF cycle, as well as infertility distress
- Acupuncture can reduce the side effects of hormonal medication.
- Acupuncturist can help alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, headaches and overall irritability that can occur with hormonal suppression and stimulation.
- Acupuncture can improve the hormonal milieu of conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome, luteal phase defect, and poor ovarian response.
- Acupuncture can reduce the likelihood of fetal rejection, and prevent miscarriages which are maternal in origin.
- Acupuncture can also alleviate and reverse ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and fluid accumulation in the uterine lining.
- Acupuncture is safe and has no adverse effects
Acupuncture and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) combine well together and this ancient Chinese method has been confirmed to be enormously successful in improving the chances of pregnancy in women. You will seek this method to maximize your success with having a baby.