Acupuncture for Infertility in men & women
Acupuncture for Infertility in men & women – ETHOS HEALTH CARE.
Whether you have been having trouble conceiving a baby, or suffering from repeated miscarriages, acupuncture can help increase your fertility.Acupuncture can be used to enhance fertility health. It is a great alternative for both women and men seeking to enhance their ability to successfully conceive. Medical experts believe that this ancient therapy from China, which involves placing numerous thin needles at certain points in the body, can help improve fertility in both men and women. It can either be used as the main therapy, or as support for treatments like IVF, IUI, and ICSI. Acupuncture works in several ways by reducing stress which weakens the body, by increasing circulation to the reproductive organs and by helping to correct other constitutional conditions individual to each person.
Acupuncture for men infertility
Acupuncture is one of the safest and most effective ways of improving the overall sperm profile. It increases blood circulation, supply essential nutrients to the pelvis and genitals. The needles have also been shown to trigger hormone regulation. This in turn promotes sperm production and quality. It also helps to balance men’s hormones and reduce overall stress, both of which have great impacts on fertility. Using acupuncture, sperm motility improves and the normal sperm ratio will also increase.
Acupuncture for women infertility
Acupuncture improves blood circulation to the pelvic organs in women. It also helps in improving the endometrial lining. It regulates ovulation and the menstrual cycle. It also decreases overall stress levels which weakens the body. It enhances the follicle development and improves the fertile mucous. In cases of tubal blockage or other conditions where surgical procedures may be needed acupuncture can improve circulation and healing after the surgery.
Acupuncture can be used alone or in conjunction with ART (assisted reproductive techniques) including IVF, ICSI, intrauterine insemination (IUI), and other fertility treatments. Acupuncture, used in combination with these treatments is extremely effective.
Whether you are just getting started in your fertility journey, or are already working with a fertility specialist, acupuncture and can increase your likelihood of conception and full-term pregnancy. It is a safe, natural, and reliable form of treatment. Fertility acupuncture treatments help balance the body’s natural hormone levels and reduce feelings of stress and optimize reproductive health.