Acupuncture For Stress
Stress is a normal physiological response to the demands of life. A person can feel stressed at work or by relationship. Continuous stress can cause physical pain, high blood pressure and number of other problems. If you are someone who deals with stress on a regular basis, you may benefit from acupuncture’s stress reducing effects .And if your health is beginning to suffer because of stress and disease is occurring, acupuncture can treat and reduce or eliminate the problem.
Acupuncturist can relieve the sense of stress, or depression by encouraging the flow of qi in the chest and abdomen. It involves inserting fine needles at pressure points throughout the body. The needles stimulate the body’s natural healing processes in their energy system. When your body is subjected to constant stress, the Qi of the body becomes congested. This stagnation of the flow of Qi causes a variety of physical and mental symptoms, such as anger, depression, cold limbs, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), tight tendons and muscles, headaches, and pain. The most common Oriental Medicine diagnosis would be Liver Qi Stagnation, as it is the energetic function of the Liver to smooth the Qi of the body, allowing it to flow freely. By stimulating the points, the Qi can flow freely, thereby alleviating stress. Through acupuncture, the energy blockages can be addressed. Acupuncture points serve as the on and off ramps to the energy highway, and can help energy flow smoothly, and alleviate not only the symptoms of stress and anxiety, but the stress and anxiety itself.
Benefits of acupuncture for stress
- Acupuncture is very relaxing
- It works to balance the whole body
- It addresses the origin of the problem
- It reduces the painful symptoms that are affecting your health
- It helps you to manage stress more effectively.
- It also alleviate stress related health conditions