Yoga for Better Sex
Treatment Yoga Better Sex – ETHOS HEALTH CARE.
The first and foremost in good sex is healthy mind and healthy body. Sex is ultimate experience of mind and body and unless healthy, the experience can not be good. This is where yoga can be of great help. It can help by:
- Releasing stress
- Improving flexibility
- Improving body functions including sexual functions
- Balancing hormones including sexual hormones
- Improving concentration, alertness and mindfulness
What is Yoga?
There are two meanings of Yoga. One common is the type of some yogic postures that you can perform to gain better health and better self control. The real meaning of Yoga is deeper. It is the state of complete harmony of body mind and soul. There are different pathways to Yoga. One common is Ashtang Yoga. This is the eight step path starting from moral commitments to purity followed by yogic postures, pranayam , meditation and finally towards Samadhi which is the state of complete union with supreme consciousness.
How to learn Yoga?
It is advisable to learn Yoga from a teacher or guru. Doing it correctly is crucial.
Daily yoga positions for better sexual function:
- Moolbandh
- Bhujangasana
- Sarvangasana
- Konasana
- Halasana
- Balasana
- Pristhasana
- Rajakapotasana
- Garudasana
- AdhomukhaSavasana