Holistic Complimentary & Alternative Treatment
Complementary and alternative medicine is a group of practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is used either as an alternative to conventional medicine or in combination with it. It can enhance the fertility of patients when used in conjunction with traditional fertility therapies. Acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal therapy, hypnosis, nutritional counseling, and stress reduction have all been evaluated for their impact on fertility. Following are some complementary and alternative therapies used to treat infertility.
Herbal therapy – Herbs that have commonly been used for fertility enhancement include vitex (chasteberry), dong quai, false unicorn root, and wild yam. Herbs may help to bring back an absent menstrual cycle, while also aiding the body in regulating hormones, promoting ovulation.
Acupuncture – Acupuncture can be used to improve general circulation which can, in turn, enhance the mobility of sperm. It can be used to increase the body’s production of fertility-boosting hormones and to regulate the fertility cycle.
Homeopathy – Homeopathy is safe, natural and effective treatment of infertility and sterility. It regulates hormonal system, treats infertility causing conditions both general and local. It is known to improve reproductive functions and enhance natural conception chances.
Nutritional therapy – Keep an eye on your diet and get a few foods that relieve stress, increase immunity and contain a lot of minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a healthy sperm count and quality sperm. Avoid crash diets, as these are not beneficial for your health and certainly not good for your fertility.
Yoga – It is an energizing form of exercise that encourages relaxation at the deepest level. It includes specialized postures, breathing, guided imagery, relaxation techniques and group support to enhance reproductive function in both men and women.
Massage therapy – It is applied to treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, uterine fibroids, blocked fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, and many other medical conditions that cause low fertility in women. It increases the function of the reproductive organs.
Hypnosis – helps couples to conceive naturally, and also provides hypnotherapeutic support to women undergoing IVF and other medical procedures. Hypnosis for fertility doubles the success of IVF treatment. It can help you to reduce anxiety and stress and increase your sense of confidence and well-being.