The Vital Cure
The Vital Cure
Prctive Healthcare with Proactive Holistic Homeopathy
Clinical Health and Wellness Products
Based On
Your Genetic Constitution
**Improve Health **Improve Body Functions **Prevent Sickness
Ethos offers the ultimate ‘Proactive Health & Wellness Products’ which gives you positive health and prevent development of sickness. These products are more suitable to you as they are selected on the basis of your unique genetic constitution & clinical status. These do not wait till sickness overpowers you and causes damage to your body organs. These are Proactive so keeps you in good health year after year. Their advantages are :
- Improves Health & Body Functions. Gives Positive Health.
- Alleviates expression of negative aspects of genetic constitution and promotes expression of positive aspects of genetic constitution.
- Minimize chances of falling sick.
- Selected by the Doctor on the basis of assessment of your clinical status.
- Selected specifically according to your genetic constitution, therefore are more effective.
- No side effects as they comprise of Holistic Homeopathy.
- Improve Immunity and Disease fighting ability.
- Slow down degeneration of body tissue. Delays ageing.
What are they ?
These are safe and effective Proactive Holistic Homeopathic Products specifically selected on the basis of your clinical status and your own genetic constitution. You can choose from the following according to your need.
Major AttractionPain Aid (No 33) Mind Power & Memory Aid (No 27)
Stress Aid (No 44) Height Gain Aid (No 19) Infertility Aid (No 36) Addictions Aid (No 1) Mood Aid (No 29) Immunity Aid (No 22) Weightloss Aid (No 49) Sex Power Aid (No 40, 41) Detoxification Aid (No 9) Digestive Aid (No 11)
Complete List of available products.
- Addictions Aid
Helps in addiction of alcohol, tobacco, drugs etc
- AIDS / HIV Care
Helps in management of HIV / AIDS
- Allergy Care
Helps in Hypersensitivity / Allergy
- Blood Aid
Helps in purification and in getting healthier blood
- Bone Care
Helps in improving structure and strength of bones, also helps after bone injury / fracture
- Brain Tonic
Improves Brain functions & Brain Power
- Cancer Care
Helps body’s ability to prevent & fight against cancer
- Cholesterol Care
Helps in reducing Bad Cholesterol and improving Good Cholesterol
- Detoxification
Helps in elimination of wastes & toxins from the body, reduces tissue damage and improves overall body functions.
- Diabetes Care
Helps body in keeping Diabetes under check and in its fight against the complications of Diabetes
- Digestive Aid
Helps in improving digestion and assimilation of food, balances appetite and thirst, helps in elimination of waste, prevents constipation
- Ear Aid
Helps in better hearing ability and fights ear complaints
- Eye Care
Helps in keeping eyes healthy and improving vision
- First Aid Kit
A Must For Every Home. Very useful for conditions like Injury, Burn, Cold, Fever, Diarrhea, Food Poisoning, Motion Sickness, Jetlag etc
- Genetic Aid
Helps in healthier expression of Genetic Constitution. Especially useful during pregnancy to minimize future complaints
- Hair Care
Helps in getting healthy and beautiful hair
- Headache
Helps in preventing recurring headaches. An alternative to Painkillers
- Heart & Circulatory System Tonic
Helps in getting healthy heart and better blood circulation
- Height Gain
Helps in increasing height naturally
- Hormone Care
Helps in preventing & correcting Hormonal Imbalance
- Hypertension & Hypotension
Helps in regulation of blood pressure
- Immunity
Helps in improving body’s immunity & disease fighting ability naturally
- Joint’s Care
Helps in getting pain free, healthy joints
- Kidney Tonic
Helps in improving kidney function and elimination of toxins & waste
- Kid’s / Children’s Growth (0 – 15 years)
Helps in healthy and balanced physical & mental growth of children
- Liver Tonic
Helps in improving liver function and metabolism
- Memory Aid
Improves Concentration and Memory
- Men’s Health
A boost for men, it helps in gaining vigor & vitality.
- Mood Aid
Helps to keep good mood & avoid mood swings
- Muscle Aid
Improves muscular strength & function
- Nervous System Tonic
Helps to strengthen nervous system
- Old Age
Helps the senior citizens to live with good health & comfort
- Pain Aid
Helps to reduce suffering in painful conditions
- Pregnancy Care
Helps healthy pregnancy from conception to post delivery recovery
- Prostate Care
Helps in prostate complaints
- Reproductive Tonic Female
Helps in improving reproductive function in females, useful in infertility
- Reproductive Tonic Male
Helps in improving reproductive function in males, useful in sterility
- Respiratory System Tonic
Helps in improving respiratory system
- Rheumatism Aid
Helps in fight against Rheumatism and its complications
- Sex Power Female
A natural boost to female sex power
- Sex Power Male
A natural boost to male sex power
- Skin Care
Helps in getting healthy skin
- Sleep Aid
Helps in getting sound & refreshing sleep
- Stress Aid
Helps in managing stress and avoiding stress related complications
- Teeth Care
Helps in developing healthy teeth & fighting decay, helps easy teething
- Thyroid Care
Helps in getting better thyroid function and body metabolism
- Weakness
Natural energy boost for abundance of stamina & vitality
- Weight Gain & Physique
Helps in gaining weight naturally
- Weight Loss & Sliming
Helps in losing weight naturally
- Women’s Health
A boost for women, it helps in living with minimum complaints that women gets
How to get them ?
Process is as simple as 123
- Select the product & quantity.
- Make the payment. Contact Us for options.
- Assessment Form – You will get one assessment form. Just fill it and return. It can be done online, over phone or by post. You will receive your selected good health product within 3-4 days time.
It is time to gain & celebrate good health, Naturally.
Contact Us for order or further details.