Homeopathy for Digestion
Homeopathy for Digestion – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Your digestive system is continuously at work throughout the day, helping to nourish your body and mind. Digestive disorders encompass a wide array of conditions that affect the gastrointestinal tract.
Digestive problems can be caused by poor eating habits, emotional tension, food allergies, and imbalances in stomach acid or digestive enzymes, alcohol consumption, smoking and many other causes. Digestive symptoms include a wide variety of symptoms that affect the digestive or gastrointestinal system. The gastrointestinal system includes the throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.
Some of the common ailments of Gastro-intestinal tract includes:
- Indestion
- Stomach pain
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Belching and flatulence
- Nausea and vomiting
- Diarrhoea and colitis
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy is a safe and useful way to treat various digestive disorders. Homeopathic remedies act as a catalyst to aid the body’s innate healing ability. This allows the patient to better detect and respond more quickly if a more serious condition becomes apparent.
Homeopathy Remedies for Digestive disorder
- Ars alb
- Anacardium
- Antim crude Bryonia
- Carbo Veg
- Capsicum
- Colocynth
- Lycopodium
- Natrum Carb
- Nat Phos
- Pulsatilla
- Phosphorus
- Nux Vimoca
- Sulphur
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by giving more consideration to a person’s fears, phobias and emotional make-up, rather than just their physical complaints. The remedy which addresses a person’s core emotional issues will ultimately heal their physical ailments.