Auriculotherapy – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Auriculotherapy is also called auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, or auriculoacupuncture. This is type of acupuncture micro system developed by French neurologist Paul Nogier. It is based on the concept that all ailments of the body, both physical and mental are treatable by stimulating specific acupoints on ear.
Auriculotherapy for pain
In 1980 Department of Anesthesiology at UCLA School of Medicine’s Pain Management Center conducted a research study by Richard J. Kroeuning M.D., Ph.D and Terry D. Oleson Ph.D. This study reported in the medical journal, PAIN, verified the scientific accuracy of ear diagnosis. There is a statistically significant level of 75% accuracy achieved in diagnosing musculoskeletal pain problems in study of 40 pain patients.
Auriculotherapy for deaddiction and detoxification
Auriculotherapy is used around the world for deaddiction and detoxification. Apart from classical acupuncture, some protocols are also used by acupuncture practitioners. Two commonly used protocols are NADA Protocol and ACACD Protocol. Results are extremely positive. They help in both physical and psychological recovery and stability.
Auriculotherapy is also called auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, or auriculoacupuncture. This is type of acupuncture micro system developed by French neurologist Paul Nogier. It is based on the concept that all ailments of the body, both physical and mental are treatable by stimulating specific acupoints on ear.
In 1980 Department of Anesthesiology at UCLA School of Medicine’s Pain Management Center conducted a research study by Richard J. Kroeuning M.D., Ph.D and Terry D. Oleson Ph.D. This study reported in the medical journal, PAIN, verified the scientific accuracy of ear diagnosis. There is a statistically significant level of 75% accuracy achieved in diagnosing musculoskeletal pain problems in study of 40 pain patients