Acupuncture for Constipation
Acupuncture for Constipation – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Constipation is one of the most common digestive complaints. Although constipation can affect anyone, it’s more common in women and in people over age 65. Constipation may present itself in a variety of ways, depending on your overall health and body type. Some people experience fullness in the abdominal area or become bloated and feel that they don’t totally evacuate when they have a bowel movement. Others feel the stool wanting to come out but cannot eliminate, no matter how hard they push.
Acupuncture is an effective remedy for treating constipation. Based on energy points in the body, acupuncture is used by many people over medical procedures for many conditions, with gastrointestinal issues such as constipation being one of them.
Acute constipation is relatively easy to resolve with one or two acupuncture treatments and herbal laxatives. The most important acupuncture point for this condition is Stomach 25 (“Heaven’s Axis”), located on either side of the navel.
- Acupuncture helps restore proper circulation
- It helps to eliminate pain
- It helps to relax the colon, spleen and stomach to stimulate movement.
- It balance the body
Electronic acupuncture for constipation
There are several key acupuncture spots on your left hand and palm that can be manipulated to release energy blockages within your intestinal tract to regulate your bowel movements. With the handheld wand of an electronic acupuncture device, you can deliver electromagnetic wave impulses directly into these key acupoints.