Phone or Online Counseling
Phone or Online Counseling – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Reasons to use online or phone counseling What is Phone or Online Counseling
In what conditions it is helpful
Is it different from face to face counseling
Benefits of Phone or Online Counseling
How can I take Phone or Online Counseling
Many people find turning to the Internet for Online or Phone Counseling to be a great way to deal with their problems. Like in traditional counseling, online or phone counseling provides individuals with direct access to experienced professionals. In addition, online or phone counseling is convenient, effective, and affordable and most of all available 24 hours a day, from the privacy of your own home.
Reasons to use online phone or Ecounseling
- You have a very busy schedule and have difficulty making a face-to-face appointment.
- You live in an area where there are few or no therapists available to address your particular concern.
- You have a fear of going out into public and would be more comfortable receiving counseling online.
- You have privacy concerns and are uncomfortable that someone might see you at a therapist’s office.
- You want access to a therapeutic medium (such as email counseling) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You are disabled or physically incapacitated, and making the trip to a therapy office is limiting your ability to get counseling services.
- You feel you would have a greater degree of privacy and safety by engaging with a therapist from the comfort of your own home or office.
- You are concerned that talking about your issues face to face could be embarrassing or intimidating
What is Phone or Online Counseling
Phone or Online Counseling is a very personalized type of counseling making good use of modern internet technology. It is same as Face to Face Psychological Counseling with the only difference that it is done using phone, online live chat (messenger) or email.
In what conditions it is helpful
It is helpful in all those conditions for which you look for counseling. Some of them are given here.
Unhappiness / Depression Feeling stuck in life Difficulty in Decision making
Poor Time management Family discords Anxiety
Grief Sibling rivalry Stress
Anger / violence Lack of confidence Broken home
Marital discord Sex addiction Homosexuality
Unhappy sexual life Victim of sex abuse Love disappointment
Unwanted thoughts Inferiority Complex Loneliness
Alcohol / Tobacco addiction Drug abuse Eating disorders
Difficulty in studies Job Stress / Growth Poor self esteem
Poor Health Financial crisis Kids Upbringing
Behavioral problems like stealing, lack of responsibility, pornography, gambling etc.
Is it different from face to face counseling
It is very similar to Face to Face Counseling. In addition it provides extra privacy and convenience. See benefits of Phone or Online Counseling.
What are the benefits of Phone or Online Counseling
There are certain unique benefits of Phone or Online Counseling. Some are :
- Privacy – Although Face to Face is entirely confidential, still some people want it to be more private. Phone or Online Counseling offers complete anonymity.
- Opening Up – Phone or Online Counseling enables people to open up their inner self without inhibition or fear. This helps in counseling process.
- Convenience – Phone or Online Counseling is more convenient as it can be done from your own office, home or any other place of your choice. It saves time and money on traveling. It can easily fit into your busy schedule. It is even more convenient in urgent odd hour sessions.
- Stay in touch – Phone or Online Counseling helps you to stay in touch with your counselor even if you are traveling or have relocated.
- Non accessibility – It is highly suitable for those who are not in a position to visit counselors personally like people in old age, physically challenged, people in remote areas or place where they are unable to find counselors.
- Phone or Online Counseling is a therapy in itself. When you write your complaints, it helps both as catharsis and by better understanding of the problem.
How can I take Phone or Online Counseling
All you need is access to internet. You can book your appointment, make payment and take your sessions online. Sessions are taken on mutually convenient time. You may also use email counseling. Contact Us for further details.