Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture – ETHOS HEALTH CARE
Acupuncture for beauty care
Beauty cannot be obtained simply by slapping on colors and textures to the skin, because the skin reflects and reacts to your entire being –physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. To keep you skin looking beautiful, wrinkle free, youthful and smooth on the outside, you must work on the inside of your body as well.
Acupuncture for facial beauty is a wonderful, holistic, alternative approach. Acupuncture is the practice of inserting needles into meridian points that affect the circulation of blood and Qi in the body. Though most acupuncture is used for illnesses, aches and pains, acupuncture for the skin, while less well-known, is based on the same healing principles.
Acupuncture can stimulate the formation of body fluids, nourishes the skin and encourages it to be moister, softer, smoother, and more lustrous. Metabolism is greatly improved through these treatments; profoundly affect the regulation of hormones in the body, conditions like acne and overly dry skin can be quite improved.
Acupuncture energizes you physically, mentally, and spiritually. It brings true health and true beauty to a person. From the Chinese medicine perspective, bringing beauty to the face is not a superficial thing; it is bringing true health to your life.