Groups Therapy
What is Group Therapy
Group Therapy is a type of psychotherapy in which a small group of same or similar complaints is formed which meets regularly to undergo a process of change and improvement under the supervision of the psychotherapist. The usual size of group is 6 – 10 people but can be different.
How Group Therapy Works
It is a type of team work in which people with same or similar complaints meets, discuss and share information and experiences. This is supervised and coordination by the psychotherapist. The process helps in better understanding of self with deeper insight, better development of skills, exploration of more options better self treatment as well as support of others which makes it easier for people to develop stronger personalities. The group itself becomes a source of strength.
In Clinic and Online
You have option of joining In Clinic or Online Groups. Those keen on joining online groups can do so using Online Text Messenger or Skype.
Benefits of Group Therapy
- Removal of isolation – The realization that I am not alone and there are others who are having similar complaints helps in raising self confidence and removes feeling of isolation.
- Help others to help self – Ability to help others improves self strength and helps people in achieving faster and better results.
- Hope – Being in a group with different levels of improvement creates hope. If others can overcome difficulties and improve, so can I.
- Correct Information – In group people gain more factual information about their complaints which helps in better and more consistent improvement.
- Self understanding – Group process helps people in having a relook at their own experiences including childhood experiences which could be directly or indirectly be related to complaints. This gives better understanding and better harmony.
- Social skills – Group process helps in developing better inter-personal and social techniques.
- Strength – Group therapy gives a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation.
- Control – Group process helps to take responsibility for one’s own life and the consequences of one’s decisions.
- Emotional freedom – Group process is a good way of letting go. Catharsis is the experience of relief from emotional distress through the free and uninhibited expression of emotion. When group members share their feelings and experiences to a supportive audience, they can obtain relief from chronic feelings of shame and guilt.
- Feedback – Group members achieve a greater level of self-awareness through the process of interacting with others in the group, who give feedback on the member’s behavior and impact on others.
Types of Groups
Some of the groups are as follows. If you can’t find your group, contact us as we create new groups on the basis of requirement.
- Adolescents
- Alcohol addiction
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Being Single
- Depression
- Divorce
- Drug addiction
- Eating disorders, excess & less
- Empty nest
- Financial crisis
- Free association group
- Gambling addiction
- Getting old
- Grief
- Homosexuality
- Hypochondriasis
- Identity disorder
- Inferiority Complex
- Internet addiction
- Interpersonal skills
- Job stress
- Marital discords
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD
- Phobia
- Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD
- Pre marital
- Relationship discords
- Schizophrenia
- Sex & Pornography addiction
- Sex abuse and crimes
- Sexual disorders
- Sexuality and Sex life
- Sickness – Cancer, HIV AIDS etc
- Sleep disorder
- Smoking addiction
- Spiritual quest
- Stress
- Students
- Thought disorder
Contact Us to join.