A - Z of Conditions
Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Homeopathic Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Psychotherapy Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Surgical Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Other Treatment of Pancreatitis
What is Pancreatitis
Symptoms of Pancreatitis
Causes of Pancreatitis
Risk factors of Pancreatitis
Complications of Pancreatitis
Lab Investigations and Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
Precautions & Prevention of Pancreatitis
Treatment of Pancreatitis
Homeopathic Treatment of Pancreatitis
Homeopathy heals pancreas and relieves pain and other complaints. It treats the person as a whole. Treatment is constitutional. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. It balances the energy system, improves immunity and body functions. It naturally cures the root cause of disorder. Some of the homeopathic medicines that can be used for treatment of Pancreatitis are:
- Atrop
- Conium
- Iris
- Dios
- Bell
- Merc
- Spong
Acupuncture and Acupressure Treatment of Pancreatitis
Acupuncture relieves by improving the physiological function of the organs and organ system. In acupuncture therapist will first diagnose the case on the basis of energy system or chi blockage as well as on the basis of status of five elements. On this basis certain disease specific acupoints are selected and stimulated.
Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Treatment of Pancreatitis
Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy can help in stress relief. They can help in better coping and early relief.
Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Pancreatitis
Allopathic treatment of pancreatitis includes painkillers, antibiotics and Enzyme supplements. Antibiotics are given to treat or prevent infection in some cases. Enzyme supplements, such as pancrelipase can help your body breakdown and process the nutrients in food you eat.
Surgical Treatment of Pancreatitis
Different types of surgical procedures may be necessary, depending on the cause of the pancreatitis.
- Procedures to remove bile duct obstructions
- Gallbladder surgery
- Pancreas surgery
Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Pancreatitis
- Do not eat large meals at a time
- Include soybeans in your diet
- Eat Green leafy vegetables
- Avoid concentrated sweets and desserts
- Drink plenty of fluids in the form of soups and juices
What is Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas. Pancreatic damage occurs when the digestive enzymes are activated before they are secreted into the duodenum and begin attacking the pancreas.
Symptoms of Pancreatitis
- Upper abdominal pain
- Abdominal pain that radiates to your back
- Abdominal pain that feels worse after eating
- Swollen abdomen
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Indigestion
- Tenderness when touching the abdomen
Causes of Pancreatitis
- Alcoholism and Cigarette smoking
- Gallstones
- Abdominal surgery
- Certain medications
- Exposure to certain chemicals
- Cystic fibrosis
- Family history of pancreatitis
- Infections such as mumps
- High calcium levels in the blood
- Hyperparathyroidism
- High triglyceride levels in the blood
- Injury to the abdomen
- Pancreatic cancer
Risk factors of Pancreatitis
- Between the ages of 60 and 80
- Common in men than in women
- Diets high in meats, cholesterol fried foods
- Cigarette smoke
Complications of Pancreatitis
- Breathing problems
- Infection
- Kidney failure
- Pancreatic cancer
- Malnutrition
- Diabetes
- Pseudocyst
Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
Tests and procedures used to diagnose pancreatitis include:
- Blood tests
- Stool tests
- CT scan
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Endoscopic ultrasound
- Magnetic resonance imaging
Precautions & Prevention of Pancreatitis
- Avoid alcohol
- Quit smoking
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Limit intake of fats
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