A - Z of Conditions
Marfan syndrome
Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Homeopathic Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Psychotherapy Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Surgical Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Marfan syndrome
- Other Treatment of Marfan syndrome
What is Marfan syndrome
Symptoms of Marfan syndrome
Causes of Marfan syndrome
Risk factors of Marfan syndrome
Complications of Marfan syndrome
Lab Investigations and Diagnosis of Marfan syndrome
Precautions & Prevention of Marfan syndrome
Treatment of Marfan syndrome
Homeopathic Treatment of Marfan Syndrome
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. Treatment is constitutional. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. It balances the energy system, improves immunity and body functions. Some of the homeopathic medicines that can be used for treatment of Marfan Syndrome are:
- Phos
- Calc p
- Mag p
- Plumbum p
- Zinc p
Acupuncture and Acupressure Treatment of Marfan Syndrome
Acupuncture relieves by improving the physiological function of the organs and organ system. In acupuncture therapist will first diagnose the case on the basis of energy system or chi blockage as well as on the basis of status of five elements. On this basis certain disease specific acupoints are selected and stimulated.
Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Treatment of Marfan Syndrome
Psychotherapy and hypnotherapy can help in stress relief. They can help in better coping and early relief.
Conventional / Allopathic Treatment of Marfan syndrome
In the allopathic treatment, blood pressure lowering drugs are prescribed to help prevent the aorta from enlarging and to reduce the risk of dissection. The most commonly used drugs are beta blockers.
Surgical Treatment of Marfan syndrome
Surgical treatment of Marfan syndrome involves an operation to replace a portion of your aorta with a tube made of synthetic material. This can help prevent a life-threatening rupture. Your aortic valve may need to be replaced as well. Some people with Marfan syndrome may require multiple operations.
What is Marfan syndrome
Marfan syndrome is a heritable condition that affects the connective tissue which supports and anchors your organs and other structures in your body.
Symptoms of Marfan syndrome
- Tall and slender build
- Having long, thin arms and legs
- Having loose and very flexible joints
- A breastbone that protrudes outward or dips inward
- A high, arched palate and crowded teeth
- Heart murmurs
- Deep-set eyes
- A curved spine
- Flat feet
Causes of Marfan syndrome
It is caused by a defect, or mutation, in the gene that determines the structure of fibrillin-1, a protein that is an important part of connective tissue.
Risk factors of Marfan syndrome
- Having a parent with the disorder
- Complications of Marfan syndrome
- Cardiovascular complications – Aortic aneurysm, Aortic dissection, valve malformations
- Eye complications – Glaucoma, Dislocation of the lens, Detachment or tear in the retina and cataract
- Lung complications – Emphysema, Sleep apnea, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Collapsed lung
Complications of pregnancy
Diagnosis of Marfan syndrome
Diagnosis of Marfan syndrome involves the following tests and procedures:
- Echocardiogram
- MRI and CT scan
- Slit-lamp exam
- Eye pressure test
- Tests for blood relatives – it involves genetic testing and imaging tests
Precautions & Prevention of Marfan syndrome
- Maintain a balanced diet
- Do not smoke
- Avoid competitive sports
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